
Mission Purpose

What is Hope for Kidz?

Hope for Kidz (HFK) is a child sponsorship program that Reciprocal Ministries International (RMI) founded in 1999 to meet the educational and physical needs of Haitian children who are unable to attend school due to severe poverty. RMI partners with schools (grades K-9) that are part of the Evangelical Baptist Mission of Southern Haiti (MEBSH). Children are chosen for sponsorship based on financial need. If you are ready to find out about available children in need of a sponsor, click the link below to get started. 

Sponsorship Interest Form
"Hope for Kidz" misson banner
young boy in orange shirt smiling at the camera

What does Hope for Kidz provide?

Haitians place a strong value on education; however, the cost of tuition for both public and private schools is so high that few can afford to send their child to school.

Your sponsorship provides a needy child with the opportunity to hear about Jesus, receive a solid Christian education, school entrance fee, school tuition and books for the year, school supplies, and a daily hot lunch (in some areas). Hope for Kidz is also now conducting Community Health Education Training Initiatives in our HFK schools including an annual de-worming and prevention education program. HFK has instituted an Emergency Major Medical Needs Fund for sponsored children. SPONSORSHIP VIDEO by Casey Hilty

Sponsorship Interest Form

Mission Info

We want to answer your questions about how you can get involved in this mission.

How does the HFK Program work?

A picture and profile of each student is obtained by the HFK Staff in Haiti and sent to the child’s prospective sponsor. Sponsorship funds are processed by the RMI office in Lehigh Acres, FL and then are transferred to the RMI office in Haiti. Once funds have been received in Haiti, they are distributed to the appropriate pastor of the school’s parent church and the school administrator for the children in that school. The pastor and administrator are then responsible to distribute the monies as designated. They are required to give an accounting to the RMI HFK staff.

How much does it cost to sponsor a child? Will I be the only person sponsoring my child?

Sponsoring a child is an annual cost of $480 or a monthly option of $40. Yes, you will be the only sponsor of the child.

When do I need to start paying in order for my child to be enrolled in school in the fall?

In order for the start-up costs to be covered by the beginning of school, the first monthly payment should be made by March. Annual lump sum payments should be received by July 31st. The Haitian school year is September through June.

How do I sign up to become a sponsor?

Sponsorship can begin with requesting a profile from The Bayou Church’s HFK Coordinator by emailing reach@thebayouchurch.org. Opportunities to view and personally select a child to sponsor are scheduled a few times a year at different Bayou hosted events including Mission Sunday in May. Once a profile is selected, HFK offers monthly and annual payment options.

How else can I support HFK if I don’t want to become a sponsor?

Prayer is most certainly welcomed to continue to support and expand the HFK mission. Also, as The Bayou Church’s HFK initiative continues to expand and increase in sponsorship, the need to have volunteers willing to explain and share the HFK Program will be needed. Non-sponsorship monetary donations are also welcomed to support the HFK Program.


To apply for any of our mission trips, click the button below and fill out the online form. You can also email us at missions@thebayouchurch.org or call us at 337-984-8291.

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