Let’s Simplify! 

With the Church Center App

We’re in a season of significant numerical growth. As we continue to grow, we want to make it as simple as possible for you to stay connected to all the great things happening at The Bayou Church.

By switching from our current smartphone app to the Church Center App, we’ll be able to bring many different functions together on one platform:

  • Kids & Students Check-In
  • Event Registration
  • Sermon Notes & Discussion Questions
  • Giving

Follow the steps below to download the Church Center App and get logged in and set up. This practical step will help us to simplify communication and make us more effective toward our mission to transform Acadiana through Christ-centered relationships.

Step 1:
Download the Church Center App

Start by downloading the Church Center App through your phone’s app store. You can go to your phone’s app store and search for “Church Center” (or click the store links below) or click this Church Center setup link.

Apple Store Logo
Google Play Logo

Then, follow these steps to find The Bayou Church’s account on Church Center.

  • Once it has finished downloading, open the Church Center app.
  • Click the “Get Started” button on the first screen and then the “Search manually” button on the second screen.
  • Type in Lafayette LA in the location bar at the top of the screen.

Step 2:
Sign in to The Bayou Church

  • Scroll down until you see The Bayou Church logo. Click on it.
  • Click the button on the next screen that says “This is my church.”
  • On the next screen, you’ll be asked to put in your mobile number, and a six-digit code will be texted to you to verify your phone number. If the mobile number matches an existing profile, you will be logged in without further verification; if the mobile number is not recognized, you will also be prompted to verify your email address. 
    Note: It's possible that the mobile number provided is also tied to other members of your family; if this happens, you will be prompted to verify which member of your family is trying to sign in. 
  • You should land on your account page in the Church Center App.

You’re signed in! From now on, you will be able to open the Church Center App and navigate with ease; when your login credentials expire, simply re-enter your mobile number to log back in. 

Take a moment and click on the tabs at the bottom of the app (Home, Sunday, Check-In, Give, More) for a quick overview of what you can do through the app.

Church Center App Step2 Full Screen

Giving Through Church Center

An additional benefit to using the Church Center App is that the transaction fee is 1% less than our current giving app. That might not seem like much, but we estimate that The Bayou could save between $40,000-$50,000 in 2024 alone by switching our online giving to Church Center.

You can set up your giving either through the Church Center App on your phone or by logging in on your computer at thebayou.churchcenter.com. If you login via computer, you’ll use the same mobile number you used when logging in through the app on your phone.

For detailed instructions on how to set up your giving through Church Center on either your mobile phone or a computer, click below. Either way you choose to set up your giving, your account will be accessible and you’ll be able to give through either the Church Center App or the online login after setup. Note: the mobile (app) instructions have been created to be read on a mobile device.

Set Up Giving: Desktop Set Up Giving: Mobile

Special Note for Recurring Givers

Once you’ve set up your new recurring giving amount through Church Center, The Bayou Church finance department will immediately delete your account from PushPay to ensure your giving is not active on both platforms. 

Your giving history through PushPay has been securely transferred to the Church Center platform, so you don’t need to worry about keeping your PushPay account open to access previous giving records. You can access your full giving history through the Church Center App on your account page under “My giving.”

Using Kids Check-In 

The Church Center App includes the ability for you to check-in your kids before you arrive at church on Sunday morning.

You’ll click on the “Check-In” tab in the menu at the bottom of the app, select the kids in your household you want to check in. Then, just scan the QR code at one of the check-in stations once you arrive at The Bayou Church campus. Your labels will print automatically and your kids will be checked in.

Stay Connected With All the Things

The Church Center app is the home for all of the things you expect from the church app.

You can:

  • Follow along with the sermon notes during the message.
  • Access discussion questions for your small group.
  • Watch past sermons.
  • Find details about upcoming events and register (if needed).
  • Fill out a connect form to send in a prayer request or connect with a member of the church staff.

You can even update your personal information through your account screen to make sure everything is up-to-date and accurate.

And, watch for even more great things you can do on the Church Center App later in 2024!

Church Center Stay Connected

We’d Love to Connect

If you have any questions or if there’s any way we can help you, please contact us.