About Missions

We carry the message of Jesus everywhere we go—in Acadiana, Louisiana, the United States and around the world.

As members of God’s family, we are called to grow in our relationship with Him, and through that growth, to go and share the saving knowledge of Christ with everyone we meet. Where is God calling you to serve?

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Following Jesus means meeting practical needs in our local community.

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Foster Children’s Christmas Party

In partnership with Department of Children & Family Services, we host a drive-thru Christmas party for all children in foster care and their families. 

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Educator Appreciation

Partner with The Bayou Church to help us host our Acadiana educators, those men and women who intentionally and positively impact the next generation. 


We partner with like-minded organizations to bring the message of Jesus where it's needed most.

a red and orange abstract graphic reading "Alaska Mission"


Partner with Alaska Missions as we serve mushers and the local population at the finish line of the Iditarod. We will reach into the native community of Nome as well as the musher sub-culture of Alaska.

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blue abstract graphic saying "Guatemala Mission Students"

Guatemala: Students

Partner with Mission House Ministries in Guatemala as we work to build houses, host activities for kids, and deliver food. On this mission trip, we will visit and minister to the people of Comitancillo.

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red and purple abstract graphic saying "Haiti Mission"


Partner with Reciprocal Ministries International in Haiti as we work with our sister church through this ministry. On this mission trip, we will visit and minister to the Haitians living in Petit Trou.

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banner for "Hope for Kidz"

Hope For Kidz

Partner with Reciprocal Ministries International to help meet the physical and educational needs of children in Haiti through child sponsorship.

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We’d Love to Connect

If you have any questions or if there’s any way we can help you, please contact us.