About Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery (CR) meets every Monday night in the Theater.

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind. Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our lives.

  • 6:00-6:30pm - (Lobby) - coffee with CR community / check-in for childcare, Celebration Place, or The Landing
  • 6:30-7:30pm - (Theater) - Large Group Session (worship, message and personal testimonies)
  • 7:30-8:30pm - (Theater) - Small Open-Share Groups (issue and gender specific)
  • 8:30-8:45pm - (Lobby) - coffee with CR community 
Celebrate Recovery Heart

Have Kids or Students?

We have Celebrate Recovery programs for kids in Kindergarten-12th grades that meet every Monday night.

We also have childcare available for children, birth-K4. Please note that parents or legal guardians must check in and check out their own children. Friends or other family members cannot check in or check out children. In addition as a safety measure, when a parent loses a check-out sticker, the parent must provide a driver’s license in order for staff to release the child. *Note: Check-in for all children is 6:15pm, and pickup is by 8:15pm.

graphic of a blue sky and yellow ballon reads "Celebration Place"

About Celebration Place

Celebration Place is a complementary children’s resource to Celebrate Recovery for kids in Kindergarten-5th grade.

While adults explore topics that bring healing and wholeness, children discover the same truths in age-appropriate ways. Weekly lessons follow a two-hour schedule that includes song, small groups, crafts, learning centers, games, teaching times and free play. Every lesson closes with a time of commitment, reflection and worship.

Meets every Monday night starting at 6:30pm.

About the Landing

The Landing is designed specifically to help students (6th-12th grade) process life and the struggles that accompany it.

The Landing is Celebrate Recovery’s student ministry geared towards middle and high school students (6th-12th). This curriculum is designed to mirror the same material as the adult Celebrate Recovery curriculum, only packaged for students. The Landing exists to provide a safe place for our students to process life and the struggles that accompany it, provide tools to help them live emotionally and spiritually healthy lives, and point them towards the freedom found in Jesus Christ.

Meets every Monday night starting at 6:30pm.

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cards with a question mark on a table

Have Questions?

For more information on Celebrate Recovery, contact recovery@thebayouchurch.org or 337-984-8291.

Other Helpful Links

12 Steps of Recovery
8 Principles of Celebrate Recovery
Purpose of Recovery Groups

We’d Love to Connect

If you have any questions or if there’s any way we can help you, please contact us.