Lauren Rea's Story
“I started to realize that my identity was in Christ and that nothing I could do would make him reject me or turn away from me.”

Donnie Rea's Story
"I had this god-shaped hole inside of me, and I finally found something to fill it—it was God, service, and relationships with others."

Brad and Kelley's Story Pt. 2 (2024)
"For me, it's a big generational thing... you pour into these people and you see it come back. They're now leaders, and they're now pouring into other people."

Brad and Kelley's Story Pt. 1 (2022)
"I feel like being at The Bayou is kind of what Jesus talks about, when He says, 'I've come to give you life and life more abundantly.' We have that joy, peace, and happiness of just being fulfilled. We know God's got us here for a reason."

Blake and Lindsey's Story
"It took a couple weeks for me to open up, but it was one of the best things I’ve ever done in my life."

Jonathan and Carrie's Story
"It was the first time that I was like I need something greater than myself, bigger than myself to survive this life that's going to have heartaches that hurt as much as this."