Trey Dugas' Story
"I finally was willing to join a small group and when I look back, that's when my faith life really started growing because I started to be around men who were living life trying to get closer to God."

Lauren Rea's Story
“I started to realize that my identity was in Christ and that nothing I could do would make him reject me or turn away from me.”

Donnie Rea's Story
"I had this god-shaped hole inside of me, and I finally found something to fill it—it was God, service, and relationships with others."

Tyler Landry's Story
"You never know who it's going to be to lead you back to Christ, but as followers of Christ, it's up to us to extend that invitation and show the next person what Christ has to offer."

Zach, Tommy, and Tony's Story
"I've seen men become better husbands, better fathers, better employers, better men in our church... reflecting on those seven years and how God has moved through our small group has been the biggest blessing."

Jonathan and Carrie's Story
"It was the first time that I was like I need something greater than myself, bigger than myself to survive this life that's going to have heartaches that hurt as much as this."

Blake and Lindsey's Story
"It took a couple weeks for me to open up, but it was one of the best things I’ve ever done in my life."

Brad and Kelley's Story Pt. 2 (2024)
"For me, it's a big generational thing... you pour into these people and you see it come back. They're now leaders, and they're now pouring into other people."

Brad and Kelley's Story Pt. 1 (2022)
"I feel like being at The Bayou is kind of what Jesus talks about, when He says, 'I've come to give you life and life more abundantly.' We have that joy, peace, and happiness of just being fulfilled. We know God's got us here for a reason."

Jarrett and Sara's Story Pt. 2 (2024)
"I love the idea that we can influence so many people just from our tiny little house in Youngsville... that we can be a part of something way bigger than we otherwise would."

Jarrett and Sara's Story Pt. 1 (2022)
"This is not just a place, it's not just a building that you come to on Sundays... the people here seek to have you be included and be a part of the church, the body of Christ."

Jake and Emily's Story Pt. 2 (2024)
"We've been at the church for more than 10 years, but being a part of Decades felt different—it wasn't just about building a new building, it had a purpose to reach people for Christ."

Jake & Emily's Story Pt. 1 (2022)
"I'm excited to think about where we'll be decades from now, in our family and in the church, as a result of being connected with The Bayou."

Stephanie's Story Pt. 2 (2024)
"Spiritually, I've grown beyond measures. I found peace as my faith is growing, and you can see the vision and future of what's to come—it's exciting and contagious."

Stephanie's Story Pt. 1 (2022)
"Over the years, I’ve seen my generosity transform as I’ve grown in faith and started tithing. Even as a single mom, I don’t worry paycheck to paycheck anymore."

Andrew and Tiffany's Story
"We kept coming to church, got into counseling, and we were able to reconcile... we got married about six months later... and it's been life-changing for us."

Mike and Brandi's Story
"Through friends that we've met at The Bayou, they've stepped up and they've walked that road with us, and that's what The Bayou does."

Kerry's Story
"Once I hit rock bottom, I had to give my addiction to God. I had seen the signs of hope leave my wife's body, and it propelled me into seeking treatment. I had to meet God halfway on the road to recovery, and Jesus saved me. I'm sober today because of God."

Dane's Story
"For years, I said I didn't need church But in 2018, I reluctantly attended The Bayou with my wife; I put on a fake smile. But then, Pastor Sean's words -- God's Word -- caught my attention. It was like He was speaking directly to me."

Carolyn's Story
"God has been taking care of me for years without me knowing. And when I finally said, thank you to God by giving to Him first. He just poured more abundance in my life."

Greg & Lindley's Story
"I grew up in the church and knew about putting money in the plate. But I didn't really have a process for being generous. I had never heard of a tithe."

Sean & Alicia's Story
"I made a deal with God that if He would heal my daughter, I would give church a chance. So on the first Sunday we went to The Bayou, I felt like the message was speaking directly to me."

Heather's Story
"Whenever our kids come home from Bayou Church camps, they talk about worshiping God in their groups and what they've learned through the Bible and the leaders. It's a great feeling [as a parent]."

Steven & Chasity's Story
"I couldn't imagine going into the home of a stranger and sitting around talking about the Bible when I didn't think I was knowledgeable enough ... "

Gary's Story
"Small groups are not a contest about who knows the most theology. You learn as you go. I can tell you that joining a small group is one of the most important things I've done in my adult life."

Rokk's Story
"Pastor Linton invited me to church, and it changed my life for the better. I realized that's what I've been missing my whole life. It's not about being perfect. It's about having a relationship with God."

Daniel & Dana's Story
"When we don't have God in our life, any church family, any structure, that's when things start to fall apart."

Amanda's Story
"My position on the tech team is considered a volunteer position. But what I get in exchange for the time I put in is invaluable."

Tony's Story
"Going to a small group was out of my comfort zone. It was scary."

Neil's Story
"Some of my best times are Sundays. For me, it's worth the hour drive to be at The Bayou."
Scott's Story
"God doesn't call the equipped. He equips the called, and there's probably no truer statement for me."

Hannah’s Story
“I never realized there were so many options for volunteering.”

Wanda’s Story
“It’s all about feeling like you belong. I needed to find connection, and I did ... through small groups.”

Michael & Jodi’s Story
“I once heard God answers prayers in three ways: yes, no, not yet. For so long, it was not yet.”

Jessica’s Story
“I assumed life was supposed to be about getting married, having kids, raising kids ... live till you die....”

Jim’s Story
“I ran away from God to do what I wanted to do. I didn’t see that my actions affected anyone, but I got lost ...in who I was.”

Cydni’s Story
“I think God gave me the talent of photography and led me to that family to show me that I could help.”

Jake & Emily’s Story
“When God tells us to step out in faith, we know it’s not always going to be easy. We knew we would encounter obstacles...”

Dan’s Story
“I never wanted to tithe. I had things I wanted to buy and needed. But I realized tithing was about...”

John & Mindy’s Story
“The demands of work became so great and overwhelming that I lost connection with my husband and children...”

LJ’s Story
“The darkest moment for me was when I started doing meth. Even when I started smoking weed I told myself, ‘This is it....’”

Russell’s Story
“I finally met something that I couldn’t control. It had beat me and it was tearing apart the family...”