About Singles Ministry

Our mission is to help singles (all unmarried adults ages 18 and older) find community and purpose as they pursue God first and what He has for them in this stage of life.

Whether it’s our annual Complete in Christ event, monthly Conversations group, or weekly small groups, The Bayou is passionate about helping singles in Acadiana build Christ-centered relationships. Marriage may be in the plan for some singles, but it is not the finish line!

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Complete in Christ 800x533

Complete in Christ: Conversations

All singles are invited to our monthly Conversations gatherings. Our goal is to learn and grow as individuals in our relationship with Christ as well as build community with each other. Invite your friends, and get connected to our singles ministry at The Bayou Church. Please email Cady Cobb if you'd like to receive more information on any of our gathering dates!

Small Groups

Schedule: Various Dates and Times

At The Bayou Church, we believe life is better together. As we experience life together in community, we’re able to encourage each other, help each other, and point each other to Christ through all life’s circumstances. We have groups just for singles, as well as groups that are a mix of single and married adults that meet on different days of the week on campus, as well as around Acadiana.

Find a Small Group
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Men's Ministry

Women's Ministry

A Place to Serve

Our Staff

If you have any questions you contact us at adults@thebayouchurch.org

We’d Love to Connect

If you have any questions or if there’s any way we can help you, please contact us.