About Women’s Ministry

Our mission is to connect women together for mutual encouragement and the development of Christ-centered relationships.

We strive to accomplish this through ongoing Bible studies, small groups, and women's events. We invite you to jump into one of these activities and begin building relationships with other women at The Bayou.

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Womens Small Groups

Small Groups

We believe women engage when they live in community with others who have their back and encourage them to grow in their relationship with Jesus. Simply put, these groups are where you can learn more about God, pray, laugh, and share life together.

At the beginning of every fall and spring semester, many groups begin new studies and welcome new people to join. Most groups are open for new participants throughout the year. Groups will choose if they want to utilize a book/video-based curriculum, discuss the current sermon series, or dive deeper into a book of the Bible. We have groups that meet on-campus and off-campus throughout the week. Childcare only provided for Tuesday morning groups meeting on-campus.

On-Campus Tuesday Bible Studies

We offer on-campus Bible studies (small groups) that meet Tuesday mornings each fall and spring during the school year. Plan on a great season sharing life with other women from The Bayou Church and growing together while studying God’s Word. Find out about the Tuesday groups in the link below.

Find a Small Group

Women's Events

Whether it's a Women's Social, Women's Night, or our Adore Women's Conference, we make time and space for ladies to connect with others, enjoy refreshments, and hear an encouraging message. Find out more about events on our events page. 

See All Events
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group of people singing at The Bayou Church

Adore Women’s Conference

Every year we invite women of all ages to pause in their busy lives for fantastic worship, teaching, and activities designed to help them connect with other women. We hope you’ll join us in 2024!



Find A Small Group

A Place to Serve

Fostering & Adoption

Our Staff

If you have any questions you contact us at women@thebayouchurch.org.

We’d Love to Connect

If you have any questions or if there’s any way we can help you, please contact us.