About Baptism

Baptism is going public about your faith in Jesus and communicating to the world your heart-felt commitment to following Him. This step of faith is done after making a personal decision to accept Jesus as your Lord.

Baptism itself does not make us a believer in Christ, but rather it is a way of saying to the world that our relationship with Jesus, and our faith in Him, has already begun. In the same way that Jesus died, was buried and rose to new life, baptism symbolizes that our old self is gone (going under the water) and our new self has come (coming above the water). We have been raised to walk in a new life with Christ.

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Baptism Process

Take the next step in your faith by following the process to get baptized.

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Fill Out Form

Complete the online form below.

orange icon showing two people communicating


Someone on our team will contact you.

orange icon of people talking at a table

Meet With Staff

Meet with our pastoral staff to share your story and further discuss baptism.

orange icon of someone talking to a group


Schedule the baptism! This is a time to celebrate, so we will schedule the baptism on a day that works best for your family. Baptisms are celebrated during our Sunday morning worship services.

Have Questions About Baptism?

People often have questions regarding baptism: Why should I be baptized?

What if I’ve already been baptized—do I have to do it again? Does it matter if someone is sprinkled or dunked? Take a few minutes to read these baptism FAQ below to find answers.

View Baptism FAQ

You can also find out more about baptism and what Scripture says about it by attending our First Steps Class.

baptism being performed at The Bayou Church

We’d Love to Connect

If you have any questions or if there’s any way we can help you, please contact us.