
About Men’s Ministry

The Bayou Church is passionate about helping men rediscover authentic manhood.

The Bayou church is committed to helping men grow into the Christ-centered leaders and servants that God created them to be. We offer opportunities for men to connect with others who will encourage them in their season of life while allowing God to shape them as husbands, fathers, bosses, employees, and friends.

WEB New Mens Ministires About v2
WEB New Mens Ministires Small Group

Men’s Small Groups

Schedule: Various Days and Times

At The Bayou Church, we believe life is better together. As we experience life together in community, we’re able to encourage each other, help each other and point each other to Christ through all life’s circumstances. We have specific mens only groups that meet on our campus and off site through Acadiana. 

At the beginning of every fall and spring semester, many small groups begin new studies and welcome new people to join. Groups will choose if they want to use book/video-based curriculum, discuss the current Sunday sermon series, or dive deeper into a book of the Bible. 

Find a small group

Men’s Night

Schedule: Quarterly @ 6:30pm

All men are invited to our quarterly Men’s Night at 6:30pm. Each evening will feature a different speaker or topic, but you’re sure to enjoy a night of inspiration, worship, and fellowship. Invite your friends, and get connected at The Bayou Church.

Learn More
Mens Night Sean Web
Bayou Crew 2023

The Bayou Crew

Schedule: Monthly - Time Varies

The Bayou Crew is an Outreach Group that exists to serve Acadiana in the aftermath of catastrophic weather events. All men and women are invited to serve in this group and no experience is required. 

Each project will be different but will primarily involve clearing debris, removing fallen trees, hauling limbs and trash to the road, distributing tarps and supplies, demolition, gutting, and mucking out homes.

To be a part of this group please fill out the form or sign up directly on the Church Center app under Outreach Groups.

Sign up to Serve

Upcoming Events

Take a look at what’s coming up for you at The Bayou Church.

The Men’s Ministry hosts several events throughout the year designed to help men connect with others and grow in their faith. 

Calendar, clock And Pencil For Keeping Schedule


Find A Small Group

A Place to Serve

Fostering & Adoption

Mission Trips

Our Staff

If you have any questions you contact us at [email protected].

We’d Love to Connect

If you have any questions or if there’s any way we can help you, please contact us.