Mission Purpose

Our purpose is to partner with Mission House Ministries to build relationships in Comitancillo and the surrounding area through a variety of ministries, both physical and spiritual.

Dates: March 1-8, 2025
Destination: Comitancillo, Guatemala
Trip Leader: Haydn Fabre 
Cost: $2,000

Guatemala Students Mission Purpose WEB

Mission Details

Guatemala Students Mission Details

What Will We Do?

There will be an opportunity for a variety of ministries, both physical and spiritual.

Our team will teach Vacation Bible school, participate in construction projects and deliver food to several homes to share in community. Our goal is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a community of people in need.

What is Our Schedule?

We are traveling to the city of Comitancillo located in western highlands of Guatemala. Below is a general schedule of planned activities; however, God sometimes opens up opportunities to do things that we didn’t originally plan to do.

  • Saturday: Travel
  • Sunday: Half day of travel; orientation
  • Monday-Thursday: Ministry
  • Friday: Travel; sightseeing
  • Saturday: Travel home

What are the accommodations?

Your team will stay at Mission Housing Ministries which is set up like a boarding house with shared bathrooms down the hall.

What will we eat?

The Mission House cooks prepare meals for our teams using cleaning and food preparation processes that help keep teams healthy and strong for ministry. The meals are always good and have an authentic local flair.

calendar, pencil and clock for scheduling

Mission Requirements

The following are necessary to be addressed or completed before you can participate.

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Attend The Bayou Church

All applicants must regularly attend Sunday services. Applications from other churches or denominations will be accepted, but priority is given to members of The Bayou Church.

icon of a group of men and a woman

Team Meetings

The student mission team meets eight times before departure to learn about Guatemala's culture, plan trip activities, and bond as a team. Additionally, each team has a pre-departure dinner for family members as a celebration. For our student trip, there will also be a required parent/legal guardian meeting.

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Payment Requirements

All attendees make three payments: initial deposit, airline payment, and final payment. Amounts and deadlines will be shared at the first team meeting.

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First Steps Classes

Participation in First Steps is strongly encouraged but not required. First Steps is a 4-part class to help participants learn about the heart of The Bayou while also discovering spiritual gifts and connecting with others. All classes meet during the 9:30am service in the First Steps Room. 

More Information

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions or our Guatemala - Student Mission Information Packet for more info. 

We want to give everyone the chance to serve if this mission is right for you. You can contact us at missions@thebayouchurch.org, or call us at 337-984-8291 if you have questions or need further information.

Download Mission Packet

Would you like to give to the Guatemala student trip or to a specific traveler? Click the link below to get started.

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For our 2026 Guatemala trip, applications will open fall of 2025.