Living Your Chazown

Date: February 26, 2023 Speaker: Sean Walker

Discovering God’s vision and purpose for your life (your "chazown") is one of the most important things you can do. God created you and gifted you with certain skills and passions so you can make a difference. This sermon series digs into God's Word about purpose and provides a practical plan of action for exploring and cultivating your Chazown. 

We'd love for you to participate in the questions and journal prompts through our downloadable Chazown journal.

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Title Series Speaker Date
Living Your Chazown Chazown Sean Walker February 26, 2023
Your Five Spokes Chazown Bernard Lemoine February 19, 2023
Your Purpose Statement Chazown Sean Walker February 12, 2023
Your Core Values and Spiritual Gifts Chazown Derek Griffon February 05, 2023
Your Past Experiences Chazown Sean Walker January 29, 2023
Finding Your Chazown Chazown Sean Walker January 22, 2023

We’d Love to Connect

If you have any questions or if there’s any way we can help you, please contact us.