Hope for My Finances

Date: April 28, 2018 Speaker: Sean Walker

Hope is a word of optimism, and it has the potential to flourish in every area of our lives. In this sermon series, we will explore the circumstances surrounding the times when our relationships, failures, broken hearts or disappointments feel hopeless. Christ is the one who can change our hopeless perspective and turn it into joy. There is no such thing as “beyond repair” for God, because He is our true hope and has a purpose for each of us.

Title Series Speaker Date
Hope for My Finances Hope For My... Sean Walker April 28, 2018
Hope for My Stress Hope For My... Mike Walker April 21, 2018
Hope for My Failures Hope For My... Mike Walker April 14, 2018
Hope for My Heartbreak Hope For My... Mike Walker April 07, 2018

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