Character Worthy of a King

Date: July 21, 2019 Speaker: Joe Wood

What is God like? And how do we know what God is like? These are questions that people have been asking for thousands of years. The answer for us is that we see what God is like in how He has interacted with people throughout history as recorded in the Bible. In this series, we'll examine the lives of characters in the biblical story and see what we can learn about God's character as we see how God worked in their lives.

Title Series Speaker Date
Purpose of Suffering Character(s) of God Dudley Bienvenu July 28, 2019
Character Worthy of a King Character(s) of God Joe Wood July 21, 2019
Speak Up Character(s) of God Linton Broussard July 07, 2019
Mobilize the Paralyzed Character(s) of God Sean Walker June 30, 2019

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