A Story of Transformation

Date: July 22, 2017 Speaker: Sean Walker

Most of Scripture speaks to us, but the Psalms are unique in that they can speak for us. Similar to when you hear a song that describes your life better than you can, the Psalms model praise and pain. When we read Psalms, we are listening in on the prayers and praises of those who poured out their hearts to God. In this series, we'll learn that we are connected to God through all of life’s experiences.

Title Series Speaker Date
Get Our Minds Right The Psalms: Soundtracks of Life Todd McMichen July 29, 2017
A Story of Transformation The Psalms: Soundtracks of Life Sean Walker July 22, 2017
Big And Small (part 2) The Psalms: Soundtracks of Life Sean Walker July 15, 2017
Big And Small (part 1) The Psalms: Soundtracks of Life Sean Walker July 08, 2017
From Mourning to Joy The Psalms: Soundtracks of Life Linton Broussard July 01, 2017
The Best Life The Psalms: Soundtracks of Life Sean Walker June 24, 2017

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