WinShape Camp

WinShape Camp 2025

Presented by the WinShape Foundation in partnership with Lafayette Chick-fil-A restaurants, WinShape Camp is the ultimate day camp experience providing an incredible five days of over-the-top fun and adventure for students who have completed grades K-5. WinShape is led by outstanding university students and young professionals from across the nation who challenge campers to sharpen their character, deepen their faith and grow in relationships with others. We are excited to continue to bring this experience to our community as the host site for WinShape Camp.

Campers cultivate their God-given skills and talents in a mix of indoor and outdoor moments, physical activity and creative play, with epic adventures at camp all day and sleeping soundly back at home at night. At the end of the week, we serve up a day of fun for the whole family—complete with a yummy lunch from Chick-fil-A.

• 8:15am-5:00pm Monday through Thursday
• The whole family is invited for a half day on Friday Family Fun Day
• 16+ skills and activities for campers to choose from

Would you like to be part of making camp possible? We are looking for volunteers to setup, tear down, and serve during camp. All volunteers must be 15 years old! Sign up today!

Sign up to volunteer

We’d Love to Connect

If you have any questions or if there’s any way we can help you, please contact us.