Middle School Camp

Middle School Camp is hosted by Camp Fuego at Acadian Baptist Center in Eunice. During this five-day camp, students who have completed 6th-8th grades will get to experience engaging worship from Luke Teutsch, biblical teaching from Chuck Butler, and community through small groups. They will also have plenty of free time to hang out by the pool, play games on the recreation field, and spend time on the basketball court. There will even be special late-night recreation games where students can have a blast while connecting with others. 

Although Middle School Camp is not far away, it will still be a great opportunity for students to get away from the comfort of their home, so they can experience camp at its fullest. 

Cost: (includes travel, meals, lodging, and t-shirt)
$260 - (March 10-March 23) - Early Bird Registration
$280 - (March 24-May 4) - Open Registration
$300 - (May 5-May 18) - Late Registration 

Sign Up Today Download MSC info packet

If you have any questions, please contact us at students@thebayouchurch.org.

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