
The Bayou Students Internship exists to provide students (middle school through high school) the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy of leadership. Being part of Internship will add value to a student’s life and grow his/her relationship with God through leadership development, mentorship, and serving opportunities. Interns will be influencers who will help create, plan, shape and develop worship experiences, events, and the culture.


Internship Dates: August 14, 2024 - November 20, 2024

Application Opens: July 14
Application Deadline:
August 4 (by midnight)

Parent Meeting:
August 14 (Mandatory)
Student Orientation:
August 14 (Mandatory)

Intern Appreciation Party:
November 20

Internship Details
WEB Bayou Student Interns Orientation 800x533
orange icon of a group of people with their arms up


  • Learn project and time management skills
  • Develop accountability with your church family
  • Grow in discipleship with The Bayou Church staff
  • Influence big picture ministry decisions
  • Become an empowered leader
orange colored contact form icon


All students must apply by listed deadline.  Students will receive approval by email. (Please remember that God’s timing is perfect, and we believe there is a time to be an intern and a time for waiting. If you are not accepted, please reapply again the next season.)

Internship Application (6th-12th graders)

We’d Love to Connect

If you have any questions or if there’s any way we can help you, please contact us.