
Invite Others to Know God, Find Community, and Make a Difference

Inviting family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors to church is one way we can fulfill our responsibility to obey Jesus and introduce Him to a lost world. It is also a tangible way to show them the love of Christ. As Pastor Sean has shared, most people come to church because of a personal invitation. Use the tools below to invite someone to a sermon series!

Foundations Square Title

October 20-November 3

Everything that stands the test of time has a strong foundation. The same is true of the Christian faith. But what are the elements of our faith that form the foundation for everything we believe? In this series, we'll be looking at the foundations that are critical for every follower of Christ to understand. These foundations are strong and solid, providing the strength we need to stand firm in our faith.

October 20: Gospel
October 27: Baptism
November 3: Sanctification

Invitation Tools

For the text and social media graphics, click on the button, right-click to save (desktop) or save to your photos (mobile), then text it or share it on your favorite social media platform.

Send a Text

Click below to download an image you can save to your phone and then send as a text to someone you'd like to invite to church. 

Send a Text

Post on Social Media

Click below to download an image you can save to your phone and then post to social media.

Post on Social Media

Send an Email

Click below to open an email window—then just populate the email address! 

Send an Email

Sample Message for Foundations

We've provided some sample text you can include (or to give you an idea of what you can say).

Our church is doing a series soon that I thought you might be interested in—it's called Foundations, and it's about the elements of our faith that form the foundation for everything we believe. It's from October 20-November 3. If you're interested in checking it out, I'd love to meet you there ... we could sit together, if you like. Let me know what you think!

This Is What We Do Insta Title

This is What We Do:
November 10-November 17

There are certain traits that define the culture of a group ... traits that come naturally and are expected. For The Bayou Church, one of those is generosity. Generosity defines the way we interact with each other and with the world. In this series, we'll hear powerful stories of generosity and how it helps shape who we are.

November 10: Part 1
November 17: Part 2

Invitation Tools

For the text and social media graphics, click on the button, right-click to save (desktop) or save to your photos (mobile), then text it or share it on your favorite social media platform.

Send a Text

Click below to download an image you can save to your phone and then send as a text to someone you'd like to invite to church.

Send a Text

Post on Social Media

Click below to download an image you can save to your phone and then post to social media. 

Post on Social Media

Send an Email

Click below to open an email window—then just populate the email address! 

Send an Email

Sample Message for This is What We Do

We've provided some sample text you can include (or to give you an idea of what you can say).

Our church is doing a series soon that I thought you might be interested in—it's called This is What We Do, and it's about how generosity shapes who we are and impacts lives. It's from November 10-November 17. If you're interested in checking it out, I'd love to meet you there ... we could sit together, if you like. Let me know what you think!

We’d Love to Connect

If you have any questions or if there’s any way we can help you, please contact us.